Help! I completely lost my dashboard

I am very inexperienced with building a website. I was doing OK but today I went to sign in so I could edit my website and when I sign in nothing happens. There is no dashboard or edit capability. Can someone please help me recover my dashboard? I have no idea what happened.

bevobabe replied on at Permalink Reply
OK...I have dashboard on every page except the home page.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
sounds to me like there is something conflicting on the home page. Most likely something you recently added. Try rolling back page versions and see if it helps.
bevobabe replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure how to do that...
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Login, Go to Dashboard > Full Sitemap > click on the home page and select "versions".

Typically the latest version will be approved. Check the box for a previous version and click the thumbs up to approve it. Then navigate to your home page and see if the issue persists. Roll back a few versions if you need to but dont actually delete ANY of them until you figure out if this is the issue or not!!

EDIT: Once you roll back and find a version that works it's safe to go back to "versions" and delete all the newer ones from your approved version.

Hopefully this helps !!
bevobabe replied on at Permalink Reply
That didn't work, but if I go to the dashboard from another page and click on page search then click home and then visit, it will show my home page with a dashboard. But then if I click on home on the actual site, the dashboard goes away. So I can at least now get to where I can edit but it just doesn't seem right to have to do it that way.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
This is most likely caused by a javascript clashing with concrete5 internal ones. More often than not it's because jQuery is added to the page (either by page type or a custom block).

You can easily find out if it is a block that is causing this by switching page type (hover Edit > click Design > change page type). If the problem goes away after switching page type, then you need to find the culprit in the page type and remove/fix it.

If it is a block that is causing this you can try to find out which one by deleting them one by one and reload the page after each publish (or preview). Don't worry about losing any information since the previous versions still exist. Once you have found the faulting block you can roll back to the version holding all blocks and just remove the faulty one.

In my experience, you often have a slider on the home page, and most sliders you find on the Internet comes with instructions to include jQuery - but that is not needed with c5, since the core adds it by default.