HELP! Just updated to and can't edit!

I just updated our website to and now when I sign onto my webpage I can't pull up the dashboard or do edits. I had the last version running before so I haven't updated it by a lot, but now I can't make anything work. Any suggestions on how to get my Dashboard back? Or reverse to the old version where I could edit? I'm not very good with websites so I need really 'for dummies' answers. Thanks!

exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you be more explicit about the "Last version" that you had running? 5.6.3? Something earlier?

One thing you might try is deleting your cache files. Just go to your file manager or FTP and delete everything out of /files/cache/*.
ivdmuseum replied on at Permalink Reply
I"m pretty sure the last version was 5.6.2

Where is the file manager or FTP? I literally cannot pull up any of the dashboard to get to old versions of any kind. Is that where I'd find files/cache?
nkennel replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you able to login at all?

Do you have "Pretty URLs" turned on?

In other words, do your web addresses look like

ivdmuseum replied on at Permalink Reply
I can log in my password and then the bottom of the page says 'log out' like it used to. But that's all. Otherwise its the same as looking at the website without being logged in. My web address looks the same, its just " with no/index or /page or anything.
nkennel replied on at Permalink Reply
Try visiting:

If you get access to the dashboard, perhaps clear your cache. You can search for "clear cache" in the concrete5 toolbar.
ivdmuseum replied on at Permalink Reply
I have no idea what just happened but now it has /index.php/dashboard and it looks like I might be able to edit.
Sorry my question was so basic/stupid
Thanks guys!! You were a huge help!!
nkennel replied on at Permalink Reply
I think we've all been there! Good luck!

ivdmuseum replied on at Permalink Reply
You'll find it hard to believe but today was the first time I have tried to edit the website since I posted on this forum last. And I've got the same problem. I can sign in, but not edit. The bar for editing at the top of the page is blank. I can type in my site/index.php/page, and get to a page or the dashboard to see it, but can't do any editing. When I right click and go to Page Source the top of the menu gives my website address and then says "Identity not verified". Why would this be? It's the same password, same computer, same everything as I used to edit with. How do I verify my identity to get back on track?
Any thoughts?
nkennel replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you see the toolbar when in the dashboard? But then it's entirely blank when on "your" pages?
ivdmuseum replied on at Permalink Reply
I see a white line where the toolbar should be and its entirely blank on my pages. In dashboard I can see everything, but can't use anything.
Why would the set up change so that as the 'super user'/administrator it doesn't recognize me? I think that's what's happened and is keeping me from editing. How can I fix this?
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Using Chrome browser, log in and right-click on the page and choose 'Inspect Element'. Then go to the 'Console' tab and look for any errors.
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
There's definitely some errors, i'm guessing at a minimum going to need to reload the core files, and probably run a force upgrade again just to be sure the last one took. The error being received is:

"Uncaught ReferenceError: ccmi18n is not defined" (
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Is that the only error message?
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
For posterity's sake, I'm posting back the solution:

It was found that there was a javascript file that did not exist after ivdmuseum attempted to use the auto updater. To resolve this, I downloaded, replaced the /concrete folder on the site with the one from the zip file (well really renamed the old one, and then added the new one first), and then modified the /config/site.php so that it would look back at the root concrete folder. It appears all is working after that.
ewc07 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same problem. I just updated to and I can see and use the edit bar in the dashboard but I can't see the edit and other options on my pages when logged in.
How did you point your site.php file at the new concrete folder in the root? Maybe your solution will work for me.
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
Before you do anything you should make sure you take a backup.

Then in the site.php file you should be able to remove or comment out this to get it to point back at the Concrete folder:

<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.3.1_updater');?>
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
After taking the backup...

It could be something in your theme or a block that is not compatible with From the dashboard swap your site to Greek Yogurt. Some content may not display (it won't be lost), but if you get the edit bar back it will confirm the problem is in the theme.