Help with custom nav

Hello everyone.

I was hoping that someone out there could answer my novice question.

I've designed my own Navigator, designed for Concrete5.
Now my question is this: Where should i put this Nav for my client to access it?

- Also is there a way i could make this custom Nav to be implemented in EVERY page she makes.

Sincerly, Arraay

Arraay replied on at Permalink Reply
Guess no one could help me.
I'm still trying to sort it out, but if someone have an easier way of doing this - please let me know!

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
If it is a complete nav, then create a folder in 'root/blocks' and put it in there and install it from ''

If it is an override of the core autonav, then put it in 'root/blocks/autonav/'

If it is a custom template for the core autonav, then put the custom template in 'root/blocks/autonav/templates/your_template_name/'
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
When you say you have 'designed my own navigator' what do you mean by this / how did you achieve o build this? (details)