Help with error Message

Hi everyone

Since two days I got an error message on my concrete5 website and i cant do anything now. The website is no more working, i can not login to see the dashboard. i really need your help.

This is the error message displayed when I open the website:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select Pages.cID, Pages.pkgID, Pages.cPointerID, Pages.cPointerExternalLink, Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow, Pages.cFilename, Collections.cDateAdded, Pages.cDisplayOrder, Collections.cDateModified, cInheritPermissionsFromCID, cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cPendingAction, cPendingActionUID, cPendingActionTargetCID, cPendingActionDatetime, cCheckedOutUID, cIsTemplate, uID, cPath, Pages.ctID, ctHandle, ctIcon, ptID, cParentID, cChildren, ctName, cCacheFullPageContent, cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime, cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustom from Pages inner join Collections on Pages.cID = Collections.cID left join PageTypes on (PageTypes.ctID = Pages.ctID) left join PagePaths on (Pages.cID = PagePaths.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) where Pages.cID = 1") ' in /home/www/web374/html/updates/concrete5.4.2.1/concrete/libraries/3rd in /home/www/web374/html/updates/concrete5.4.2.1/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ on line 78

Does anyone know what I have to do to get this working again?

thank you very much in advanced for your advices!


mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
"Unknown column 'Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow'"

Do you have access to the database? Something has changed with your database or your connection to it.