Help with image slider & projects

Good evening,

I'm really a newbie here but am already very happy with what can be achieved with Concrete5.

My site is:

I need help with the image slider here:

It runs on Concrete5 and I want to stop the automatic sliding and protect the images from being downloaded.

I also want to get rid of the menu that appears once I place the cursor over "Libros".

Hope you can help me.

Best regards and thanks.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

Concerning your questions:

The slider has an option to stop the automatic sliding. Just put your page in edit mode, edit the slideshow and make sure you check the proper settings

You can't stop people from downloading your images. It is simply not possible. What you can do is watermark your images if you are not put off by the aesthetic trade-off.
This add-on can do that for you:

I don't see anything showing up when hovering over 'libros" so that seems to be taken care of.

Finally, I strongly suggest you update your Concrete5. You have an old version and you will run into issues, including security ones, if you don't upgrade.
lamanoandante replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much!

Where I am hosting the site doesn't support Concrete5 versions higher than :( and that is why my image slider version doesn't have the option to disable automatic sliding, it has to be done through the js or the css code, which I don't understand :(

I also found out that you can protect them from right clicks ( and something like: $(window).on('load', function() {

But I also don't now where to paste it.

Do you like the site by the way?

Best regards and thank you very much.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
Hello again,

First, I have attached a template to this message. When you unzip it, you will have a folder called image_slider and inside it, a file called no_auto_slide.php

you have to put the whole thing inside your folder applications\blocks

Once that's done, you can put your page in edit mode, click on the slideshow, selected design, the little cog. From there select the template "No Auto Slide" and save. It should fix your problem.

Concerning your version of Concrete5, I don't understand why you are in that situation. IS it because of an old version of PHP, or did you try newer versions and it didn't work? What exactly is stopping you from using a newer version?

Yes your site looks nice. I always liked sober and clean designs.
lamanoandante replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much!