Help with my website.

I have been trying on my own for a few weeks to figure out how to make the body of my website transparent. I am new to all of this and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help. I do not have access to the CSS files, another company is hosting my website for me and I just simply log-in to the website to make changes.

Here is my site:

I need the white background to be transparent.

I appreciate your help . Thanks so much!

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
An answer and a few thoughts here:
1- you can't change the background without access to your site files and specifically the file typography.css since it's where (in your website) that white background is defined. Once you have access to that file, go to around line 19 and look for this
div#main-container {
background-color: #ffffff;

and modify the #ffffff (that means white) to transparent like this
div#main-container {
background-color: transparent;

2- Why don't you ask whoever is hosting your website to do it for you (it will take them 10 seconds) or to give you access to your files? It's your website, access to its files comes with it. If not, you should complain.
3- Frankly, it looks much better with the white background than transparent. Some elements such as pictures have their own background and they will look weird on a transparent background.

I am attaching a screenshot of the lower part of your home page with a transparent background to give you an idea.

Good luck
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Another thing, whoever did your website shouldn't have put this container background color in typography.css as that's not typography related information.
jeriad replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Man,

Thanks for the reply and the screenshot. I will definitely take your advice about just leaving the background white. It makes perfect sense to me why it should be left that way now. I appreciate your help, and I will have the other code removed from the site.

Good looking out!
jeriad replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

If you don't mind. I would like to make the header and the footer transparent. Do you have code for that? I attached a screenshot.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's the thing, you whole page content is enclosed in an element with a white background so to do what you want you would have to first make that element transparent (how I showed you in my first message) and then go through all the elements one by one and make some white and some transparent.

Given how your page is structured, there is no easy to do that:

Header: given how the header is built you can make the whole header transparent, not just the top line (I'm sorry to say that but whoever built that website didn't do a very good job when it comes to coding)

Footer: that one is easy

Content: the content has two columns, left and right. They actually don't have the same height as the right one has more content so you would end up with the left column white background stopping midway and then turning to transparent while the right one is still white.

To achieve what you want, the page would have to be rewritten differently or go through complicated stuff that are not really worth it.

May I ask, why is it so important to have those things transparent?
jeriad replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm going to keep it the way it is. I have this idea that everything should be balanced and aesthictically pleasing on the site. I've came to the conclusion that it's not going to happen. Thank you for saving me some work by convincing me to keep it how it is. I have to have the website fully functional in 48 hours and there is no way I can make that happen by adding the transparency.

Thanks Again mnakalay!
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry it doesn't turn out the way you want it.

Last piece of advice, let the site live its life a little while as it is and then start considering changes. Trying to get every little detail perfect (in our minds not even our userss mind) before launch is usually a waste of energy.

The good thing with C5 is thaat you can decide to develop a totally new look later on and apply it in just a few seconds without your users noticing any down time.