Help... Please!!
Logged in and installed the latest update... Crash! Website gone...
The error message is: Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
I can't log in anymore.. How do I fix this?
The error message is: Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
I can't log in anymore.. How do I fix this?

What version where you on and what version did you update to?
5. something and went to 5.6 something.. I'm sorry but that's all I know. I'm a basic user.
They made some changes to the concrete5 cache in the latest version. Before you look further, you should clear your cache and see if that fixes the problem.
Nothing has changed, I'm afraid.
Have you tried logging into the dashboard ?
If so, clear cache asap
If so, clear cache asap