hi, jumping problems

hi, first of all i want to thank everyone for the help and for this great cms.

i have a problem that i cant say why it happend and whats funny its happening only in explorer and not any time but to much time so please watch it in explorer.

the problem is that for some reasons the site is jumping the pictures are not in the place and its could be in 2-3 types that are not the same but it usually the same problem at the template, something told me that is maybe the image menu navigation build with auto nav with simple script that when hover the picture is changeing

some times its stuck, sometimes for 1 min, sometimes change in 1 second by itself, sometime just when hover the menu he goes back in is right place, but eitherway its not possible to upload site that way to the net

i belive its not the first time you saw it, here an example.

thank you very much!

1 Attachment

boomgraphics replied on at Permalink Reply
Without code for us to look at it would be impossible to find the error. However, I seriously doubt that it is a concrete5 issue, because this type of thing is usually a css problem when your javascript changes the size of or moves an element which in turn pushes something else out of place. You could probably fix this by wrapping your javascript image changer inside of a div with fixed dimensions so it can't push anything else around it, and then making sure your ie css isn't causing problems with ie. Because in two words, IE SUCKS.

Also, make sure your elements javascript is using are positioned, because ie sucks worse if something has no position. You can also fix some issues by triggering hasLayout by adding an ie specific rule to your css, something like zoom:1. Overflow rules can also trigger hasLayout. I would recommend looking up IE specific hacks for these issues, as they are probably well documented online. You can also avoid many calculation errors by using a css grid framework like 960.gs or blueprint. I've been using blueprint and it make easy work of calculating widths and margins so you minimize these types of issues. Sorry I can't help more!
psycasso replied on at Permalink Reply
well maybe i will do a test i will get rid the java for one day and see if this it the problem
psycasso replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
after disable all java in the page, and made the auto nav in regular text this still happing heres a picture.
