Hi Newbie here....2 questions about editing images....

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I would love to put my own images into the slide show on the homepage, but when I edit the image it shows a button to add image which brings me to the file manager where I am able to upload images from my flashdrive, but I don't see how to insert it into the slide show.

Also, where does it tell you what the size of the uploaded image needs to be. My images are big, but I'm not sure what size to make them.

Thanks LOADS, everyone!!

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Once you've uploaded your image to the File Manager, you just need to click on the thumbnial of that image and a menu will pop up. Select "Choose" from this menu and it will add your image to the Slideshow list.

The slideshow does not have a set size for images, rather, it lets you put any size images in so you could fit a slideshow any place on your site. Based on your theme, you need to decide what size works for you.

You can always look at the size of the images in the default slideshow and go from there.
harrietfaith replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much. Your suggestion for the slide show worked. As for resizing the photos, I was hoping I wouldn't have to go back to the imaging software and resize it there. I was hoping there was a way to resize it within Concrete5.
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I'm not sure what version of Concrete5 you have, but you should be able to edit images directly from the File Manager. In most cases you can go to the File Manager, click on the image and then select "Edit". Assuming your setup has the required tools, you should get an editor loaded that will allow you to resize the image.
harrietfaith replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes! Again, thank you! I figured it out!! Thank you very very much!!