Hiding site name without knowing HTML

I finally figured out how to change the "my site" title to something more descriptive however I only want to use it for SEO. I dont want to see it at the top of each page. How do I hide it just through using the latest GUI? I dont know how to write or change code. Thanks!

Opeon replied on at Permalink Reply
In the properties menu of each page (Edit -> Properties) there is a Tab named Custom Attributes. If you add a Meta Title attribute and fill it in with your page name (e.g. you want the page title to be "About me" just type in "About me" and save)

Hopefully this is an answer to your question.
Kind regards
laurenm replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much for your reply. I'm trying to hide the purple text on the top left "Novel Outcomes, Seattle-based..." of each page on the website.http://www.noveloutcomes.com. I went into custom attributes as you mentioned, and all it allows me to do is search all attributes. It's not letting me create new ones. There are a bunch of random assortment of keywords on the left (tag like) and when I click on them, it allows me to assign "attributes" for the random collections on the left. Any idea how I create the meta title you mentioned? I have a feeling I erroneously created some meta tags early on when I had no idea what I was doing and now I dont know how to change or add as you mentioned because the options just arent there anymore in the custom attribute menu. thanks!