hiding submenus per top-level entry individually?
is there a way to set the level of submenus per top-level entry? For example there is a Blog at the top-level and I don't want each entry of the blog being displayed as a submenu item. But on the next top-level entry "about" there are subpages (guestbook, contact) that should be displayed in a drop-down menu list.
I couldn't figure out how to get this done.
I couldn't figure out how to get this done.

Go to the page properties of each blog page and select and check "exclude from nav" !
you are right, I can do this on the individual pages. And I can advise to editors to do so for their blog entries. But what about the forum entries in the Basic Forum? Each topic will create its own page and I can't control every topic-entry first.
If you set up defaults for those page types first you're set. Dashboard > Page Types > Defaults...