Home link not visible when using IE

I have inherited this project from the original builder. So I am learning Concrete5 on the fly.
To streamline our look, I changed the website to a more user-friendly theme.
Everything is great except when using Internet Explorer (which majority of our users do:: older people) our link back home, the churches name, is not visible on the theme. (If there is a solution to this awesome)

But, I need to figure out how to add a Simple Home button to my navigational menu at the top of the page. My ignorance comes from not working with this program much.

Any wisdom or advice is GREATLY appreciated

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
URL might help us
alweitner replied on at Permalink Reply
Apologize: mycvag.org
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems to be a bug with IE9 and the 'Museo font'.

The developers site doesn't show the font either.

You might want to try using a similar font from Google or 'fontsquirrel'
alweitner replied on at Permalink Reply
I did not think about that until you brought it up, but I agree.

To avoid that as an issue I can add a "HOME" button on my top nav menu but I do not know how to do so using the Concrete5 program. I really am extremely naive when it comes to Concrete5.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes you could, but you're still missing 'Download a copy of last Sunday's bulletin here' link as well.

You also need to add a bit of css to remove the 'blue border' around your image links for IE8.
In the main css add:
a img{border:none}
alweitner replied on at Permalink Reply
I am sorry for this but I don't even know how to access the css coding using concrete.