Homepage Content and Toolbar missing after Update from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2
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I was finishing a client site (http://www.barkingtuna.net/capital_lumber... ) and decided to update from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2. All is well except that the homepage is blank and the toolbar is missing. All of the other pages are intact and accessible as is the dashboard. The homepage is the only issue at this point. I tried to roll back to 5.5.1 by modifying the site.php file from 5.5.2 back to 5.5.1, but that was even more catastrophic.
Fatal error: func_get_args(): Can't be used as a function parameter in /home8/barking7/public_html/capital_lumber/updates/concrete5.5.2/concrete/libraries/item_list.php on line 515"
Go to updates/concrete5.5.2/concrete/libraries/item_list.php and find line 515
change it to look like this:
public function sortByMultiple() {
$args = func_get_args();
$this->sortByString = implode(', ', $args);