How can I add Logo to top of concrete5 Home page

At this current moment I want to add a logo to my concrete5 webpage cant seem to do it any suggestions???

goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
Start by logging in to the C5 admin, navigate to the page, click and editable area and choose Image block, upload and choose an image.

Take a look at the Site Editors tour and documentation.

What have you tried so far? You have to provide more information if you want people to help you. Like what theme are you using, what error are you seeing, what specific thing is stopping you?
Jeanperez21 replied on at Permalink Reply
There was nothing I could change and I'm using a free theme for now. I have just tried to edit the block where it has the name of my company and nothing happens like I cant change it or nothing. Ill post shortly on exactly what theme I'm using

Thanks for the reply I will try it like you suggested though.