How can I change CAPTCHA colours?
Permalink 5 users found helpfulRegards.
theres some awesome photos on that inner optics site!
But make sure you keep a backup first, and note the changes you make as the file will likely be replaced with concrete updates. Look at around lines 47-57, it's pretty easy to change the RGB colour ranges, turn off multicolour text (true/false), change the number of lines.
$this->securimage->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color(227, 218, 237); $this->securimage->line_color = new Securimage_Color(51, 51, 51); $this->securimage->num_lines = 5; $this->securimage->use_multi_text = true; $this->securimage->multi_text_color = array( new Securimage_Color(184, 4, 50), new Securimage_Color(12, 67, 157), new Securimage_Color(244, 49, 11) ); $this->securimage->text_color = new Securimage_Color(184, 4, 50);
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); class ValidationCaptchaHelper { public function __construct() { Loader::model('system/captcha/library'); Loader::model('system/captcha/controller'); $captcha = SystemCaptchaLibrary::getActive(); $this->controller = $captcha->getController(); } public function __call($nm, $args) { if (method_exists($this->controller, $nm)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this->controller, $nm), $args); } } }
Am I looking in the wrong file?
Search for "Attachment"
(btw, i tried to override the captcha helper to do it through there, but something funky was happening with overrides there)