How can we actually Management Content?

I have a client who would like to separate page editing from page approval. So their content editors can create/edit pages and their design/SEO guys do the final approval.

1. Is there a way to list individual pages which need approval? Currently you have to navigate around until one says "This page is pending Approval". I see "CollectionVersions.cvIsApproved" holds the magic key to this and could write some SQL to find pending pages, but got to think their is something built into C5 for this.

2. Can you allow some users to edit but restrict the publish option?

3. Is their a way to route and email or task to a user group when a page is pending approval?

The client is a bit confused why a "content management system" would actually not have anything to "manage" content, and frankly i don't have a good come back!

Please help!

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Is there a way to list individual pages which need approval?
>> I think that there isn't a way to do this, so it would need some customization. However, for a good starting point I found this with few searches from the marketplace:

2. Can you allow some users to edit but restrict the publish option?
>> Yes, I think this is possible what you need. In your config/site.php add this:
define('PERMISSIONS_MODEL', 'advanced');

And after that you get a bunch of new permission settings for the pages (and their subpages). More information:

3. Is their a way to route and email or task to a user group when a page is pending approval?
>> Again, you need some custom coding but I think this is not that big of a deal. You can actually do this with few lines with hooking into events.

There's actually two ways of doing this IMO:
a) Hook into page publishing event "on_page_add"
b) Create a job that goes through the pending pages e.g. every hour

I'd personally do a). Here's a bit more about the events:

Merry Christmas!

Antti / Mainio
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
On #1

If you go to Dashboard->Sitemap->Page Search

Down by "Results Per Page" there is a little "+" symbol.

Click that and in the "**Fields" dropdown select "Approved Version"

Make sure "Unapproved" is selected and click search.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, actually I didn't think of that.

However, what c5 is still missing is kind of Workflow approach that I think is what they need. I think this is one of the biggest reasons there still is such a big consultation business around these horrific "enterprise CMS systems", such as Liferay.

EDIT: Other reason is of course an easy way to integrate to other enterprise software. What c5 is also missing is a proper API interface for integration purposes, although integrating other systems INTO c5 is currently possible. It's not possible other way around.

And by the way, I hate Liferay (if it wasn't clear already) :)

Antti / Mainio
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
1) @mkly has the answer: Dashboard -> Sitemap -> Page Search

2) @Mainio has the answer: advanced permissions

3) Here you go:

As for your client's confusion, I think they're misunderstanding the terminology -- "content management" is editing the content of the site, which obviously C5 handles very well. What they really mean is "workflow management", which C5 does handle to a limited extent, but it is not the primary function of the system. Most systems that focus on "workflow management" do so at the expense of easy management of the content itself -- they tend to be more "enterprisey" (read: expensive, terrible UI's, sold to people that are not the end-users).

Best of luck, happy holidays.


EDIT: Oops, sorry @Mainio, I just read your last reply and you basically already said what I did about enterprisey workflow management -- great minds think alike :)