How can you expose the controls for the video player without making the video full screen?

I've embedded a video on a page. But I haven't found a way to expose the QuickTime controls with making the video full screen. Also, it would be nice to not have the video autostart after it has loaded.

BillKyle replied on at Permalink Reply
It should read:

I've embedded a video on a page. But I haven't found a way to expose the QuickTime controls with out making the video full screen. Also, it would be nice to not have the video autostart after it has loaded.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Depends how your loading qt, but basically param 'autoplay' needs to be 'false', 'controller' needs to be 'true' and add 16 pixels to the height of a movie.

Hope that helps.
BillKyle replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for confirming what I'd found worked. I located the video.php file and set 'autoplay' to 'false', 'controller' was already 'true' in my file. I then kept adding to the video height and found the controller. It's just by the time I got it working I didn't come back here and said what I'd found. Thanks again for confirming what I found worked.
