How do I add metatags to a C5 website?

Google require meta tags to know your website theme right? So how do I add these, also on a side note is the meta keywords attribute of any use?

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply 3 Attachments
One way to do this is from the page properties, while on the particular page.

Hover on edit - click 'properties' - click 'Custom Attributes' - click 'Meta Title' etc.

Fill in the tags, save and publish.

See attached
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello 55design!

Okay I'll try that, are you sure though? I assumed the meta title field is for the the title of the page as it appears on google! :S
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
In addition to the above, in 5.6 there is a dashboard page where you can edit metatags in bulk. Enter 'Bulk SEO' in the dashboard search.

You can also use my addon 'Magic Heading' to auto-generate metadata.
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi John!

I'd like to upgrade to the new version but from what I read on the forum lots of people had errors and losses so I'm waiting to backup my database before I update. Thanks for the answer!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Very wise to backup first. It also often helps to turn of pretty URLs, turn off and clear the cache, and temporarily swap to a default theme during an upgrade.
JD46 replied on at Permalink Reply
True, Okay I'll follow those tips when I do back up, thanks!