How do I add texture from my own designs?
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The theme is simple is too plain, but chainging the background only has a color change. Is there a way to put my own texture? Thanks in advance.

use this code in your main.css this will look for a background image called img1.jpg in your images folder, so upload your image to images and name it img1.jpg and itll load as a background image.
Thank you very much. Do you know how to put left and right line margins along the page? Theme has no margins. Please advise. Thanks.
use this code then.
body {/* customize_background */ border-right-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-right-color: black; border-left-color: black; border-right-width: 2px; border-left-width: 2px; background-image: url(images/img1.jpg); background-color: #ffffff; /* customize_background */ text-align: center; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; }
Thanks 12345j
I will try it.
I will try it.
I tried putting the codes, but it doesn't seem to be working. I might be doing it all wrong. Where is the main CSS? Is that the one in the front page...."add to Main,"....then "designs"....and then CCS? Please advise. thanks.
I tried putting the codes, but it doesn't seem to be working. I might be doing it all wrong. Where is the main CSS? Is that the one in the front page...."add to Main,"....then "designs"....and then CCS? Please advise. thanks.
You need to change your main css file within your themes directory. This cannot be accessed through your dashboard. You will ned to use your web hosts file manager, our use ftp. The file is located in your themes/theme name/ directory. Probably still be called main.css or maybe style.css.
It sounds like what you really need to do is read up a bit on css. There are tons of great generic css tutorials out there that will work perfectly with concrete 5.
It sounds like what you really need to do is read up a bit on css. There are tons of great generic css tutorials out there that will work perfectly with concrete 5.
it should be in root/packages/simple_blue/themes/simple blue and it is called main.css but in general you should learn a little about css, html, and ftp to be able to extend your site. What you were referring to in your first post was customizing styles.
ok, that means I am doing it all wrong. lol. Being doing it through the dash board with no changes. Ok....I will read up.
One more question....My site is not hosted yet though? I am still developing it is still with Is there a way to access css there?
One more question....My site is not hosted yet though? I am still developing it is still with Is there a way to access css there?
You will need to login to a control panel of some sort. How did you initially upload concrete5 onto the web host?
I was searching for ways how to create a website. And I found the site, created an account, and is building my website on their server, I suppose. I don't even know how I am going to get it to my hosting when I choose one. lol But, I really like the concrete5 features, themes, addons, etc.
Well, as soon as you start paying for your hosting you will be able to make those kinds of changes. I don't think the concrete5 demo allows that kind of access unfortunately.
ok....thanks. I will be back!
yeah, c5 demo has no ftp access... try installing it through simple scripts or something like that.