How do I change a block area to make it site-wide? How can I turn on "add layout" to a global area?

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Hi everyone,
my site is running Fundamental theme, C5.7.4.2.
I would like to take a footer block area and make it global (all my page types have the same footer block areas) or if easier add a global footer area. I would also like to split a global area up using "add layout".
Help please!

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MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi MarcYBB,

Custom layouts are currently not available for global areas.

There is a GitHub issue related to this.

"Make layouts work in global areas; make layouts display sensibly in stacks page when you go to them without grid. #1227"

You can make your footer block areas global by changing "Area" to "GlobalArea". If you change a block from Area to GlobalArea, any blocks used in Area will not be in the new GlobalArea. Before you modify your theme, I recommend making a full backup first.


$a = new Area('Your Area Name');

$a = new GlobalArea('Your Area Name');
MarcYBB replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. Worked perfectly. Now I don't have to add a block to 42 pages!
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the same problem, and am using am using Fundamental theme. However, when i tried changing areas to global it didn't work.

I changed areas is Footer.php and Footer-custom.php within /packages/fundamental/themes/fundamental/elements.

I must be doing something wrong.

What exactly did you change to get it to work?
