How do I change the footer of my page?


I recently got a job as a Communications Director for a non-profit and was asked to edit the website.

It looks like it's straight from the 90s, but that's not what needs to be fixed.

At the bottom of our page there is a footer of sorts (although not editable, or even clickable, through footer options when editing the page) that is stuck on every page. I spent four hours trying to remove it, but was unable to.

Here is the webpage in question:

And the portion I'm talking about is:
"© 2009 California ProLife Council
2306 J Street Ste 200, Sacramento, CA 95816

That phone number is no longer in use and we are losing contacts because of it.

Is there ANY way to change this (or even the sidebar on the left)?

Any help is appreciated!


Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
You'll need access to your server and then the 'theme'.

The footer content is hard coded, not an 'editable' area.

Once in server find theme, look for footer.php, find offending code and replace.

The sidebar will be a similar situation, but maybe more scary to fix.

Good luck, the site is a mess!

Come back if you need more help?