How do i get the RSS link from page list block?
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How do i get the RSS link from page list block?
i am setting up a feed to facebook, is this possible?
i am setting up a feed to facebook, is this possible?

Put the 'Page-list' block into edit mode and you'll see an option to- 'Provide RSS Feed?' Select 'Yes'... now you can add a name and description to your rss feed. Save it and you're done. You'll then see a little RSS icon in your URL bar, Click it to get the RSS feed.
after that what URL should i use?
it dose not make a xml page of some kind?
it says its not a valid URL for feed.
it dose not make a xml page of some kind?
it says its not a valid URL for feed.
You have to click on the RSS icon. That should take you to the correct RSS feed URL. Use that URL for your Facebook page...
where is this "RSS icon"? it did bot show up on the page?
Look for the 'RSS' icon on the right in your URL bar. Or try replacing your URL with feed://
Where is the "Page-list block". I thought I found it in Functionality but that does not have any place to "Provide RSS feed". What am I missing?
you can find that block in the block list