How do you move a "block"????

From what I've seen so far in videos and read in forums, it seems very simple. Edit, click in block and move it all over the place. It's not working at all for me. I can't get any of the blocks to move -- I go into edit and red lines appear; however, I can't do anything with them. I've tried all the buttons like "move", etc. and nothing works. I also checked the permissions and that seems okay (admin -- all permissions) and the "lock" is unlocked in dashboard. So, how do you do this? I was just watching the video between Andrew and Derek and although the screen was too small to really see what Andrew was doing, it appears you have to actually go into a file and change some code to allow the modification or movement of a block?
Can someone please help me with this -- I want to move the navigation bottons below the logo banner and move the logo banner all the way to the top. I may also want to expand the height of the logo banner if that's possible.

BizzyWizz replied on at Permalink Reply
Never mind everyone. I actually just found the answer in another question to this site. My problem was the same as his. I was using Explorer 9 and I guess theres a bug. I just switched to Chrome as suggested in his replys and now I can move them.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want to keep using IE9, you can add this to your theme's header to fix the problem (note that this has been fixed in the development version of C5 so if/when you upgrade to that when it's released in a month or two, you won't need this fix anymore):

<?php if ($c->isEditMode()): ?>
<script>// HOTFIX: We can't upgrade to jQuery UI 1.8.6 (yet)
// This hotfix makes older versions of jQuery UI drag-and-drop work in IE9
(function($){var a=$.ui.mouse.prototype._mouseMove;$.ui.mouse.prototype._mouseMove=function(b){if($.browser.msie&&document.documentMode>=9){b.button=1};a.apply(this,[b]);}}(jQuery));</script>
<?php endif; ?>

You want to add that code to your theme's header file, probably called "header.php" in a folder called "elements", but could be something else depending on which theme you're using. Also make sure you put it before the closing </head> tag.