How to best add a style to TinyMCE when using a theme from the marketplace

I am new to C5. I've got it installed together with a theme from the marketplace and things work pretty well. Now I want to customize the theme by adding a few styles such that they will appear in the Styles drop-down in TinyMCE editor.

I have found a solution that requires me to edit the themes typography.css plus one more .css-file and in order to have the changes survive the next update of the theme I need to fork the theme by copying it from /packages/theme_company/themes/theme_name to /themes/theme_name and make the edit there. When an update is available changes then have to be applied manually to the forked and customized theme.

There simply must be an easier / simpler way to add a few extra CSS-rules that will survive an update of the theme?

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
You could always create your own .css file with the rules inside, then include the file in your theme/elements/header.php like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php  echo $this->getStyleSheet('yourcssfile.css');?>"  />

be sure to place your .css file in the same place as typography.css ;)