How to change font and size of Site Name?

I understand I can change the wording of "Site Name" at Dashboard -> Sitewide Setting -> Site Name. But how do I change the font and size of the chatacters?


tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
On the page where you changed the name in the Global Scrapbook use the Rich Text Editor supplied to pick a font size manually. You may need to go to global settings and activate the advanced editing mode to see this ability. You should not use any of the heading tags (i.e. h1) as this is already wrapped in an h1.

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
I made a short video here:
csc replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks much for the video, tallacman. I tried following your instructions, but I don't have site name in my global scrapbook. Below is my experience. I am using

In Dashboard -> Scrapbook -> Global. There were no entries in the beginning. I click "Add Block to Scrapbook", and select "Content" in the panel that comes up. When I got back to Global scrapbook, a "Content: My_Site_Name" entry showed up automagically (together with a "Content: Global 79" entry). In My_Site_Name, the initial content was something like "{{ccm:SITE}}". I was able to replace it and modify font type, size, etc, and the changes reflect on my website correctly. All is good up to this point. However, when I entered Asian language characters in site name after English letters, they don't show up. That is, only English letters are shown. Could you help?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
What characters are you entering? Can you post them here and I'll try it on my test site?

csc replied on at Permalink Reply

My apologies. It is actually working - both languages show up together correctly. I just need to wait long enough (> 1 sec).

The way the My_Site_Name appears on my C5 installation is a bit awkward. How did you do it for your site?

Thanks for your help!
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
With just the base install of concrete5 your site name will be pulled automatically from the scrapbook. And that wraps it like this:

h1#logo a p

Now since that gives us really nice specificity we can grab that with our css and do something like this:

h1#logo  {
   margin-top: 12px;
   margin-bottom: 10px;
   font-size: 40px;
h1#logo a {
   //something here
h1#logo a p {
   //something here

I recommend don't use the "h1#logo a p" because in some sites the "p" wont be there and all styling applied to that will be lost.

csc replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for the tip. You are most helpful.

theo100 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have installed and do not see "site wide settings" in my dashboard. I am logged in as admin. Please advise..
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
It will be at the top of dashboard panel, see attached image for visual.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The way this works changed with v5.5+

For most themes the Site Name displayed is now a block in a global area. Just put your home page in edit mode, click on the global area and edit it. Because it is a global area this will show across all pages.

Edit. Myself and Ekko are referring to 2 different things. The site name he refers to is shown as part of the page title tab and is the name your site is known to by when connecting for addons and updates.