How to change from using User name to using Email address

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When the user logs in, how can I change from needing the User name to needing tn Email address?

Thank you...


ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Dashboard - System & Settings - Login & Registration

Check the checkbox (under "Options") before "Use emails for login"
Itdepartment replied on at Permalink Reply
I just upgraded from 6.3.5 to 8.5.1 and have a login page that uses a custom theme. I checked the checkbox to use emails but now my users can't log in. Is there another step that I am missing?
rtcary replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. My apologies for not posting that I found the answer shortly after asking the question by examining the login.php file -- the choice is in there, so I went to setting and looked around.

Again, thank you...
