How to change image in sitewide image area?

I selected the pencil to get in edit mode. Select Add block, attempt to drag image block but there is a red circle with line through it indicating this is not allowed.

So I selected + to add page content then dropped the image block on the sitewide header image area. However, this only affected the home page not the other four tabbed pages. How can I change this sitewide without having to edit each page?

siton replied on at Permalink Reply
You are the admin of the site? If not Maybe this is Permissions problem

If you are the admin you need to tell more details about the project (The problem is only with the image block or all blocks?)
benkaltra2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for responding. This is a template I purchased which is supposed to come with 30 day support. However, I cannot find out how to contact them directly. Your advice led me to "permissions" section with note saying "once enabled, permissions cannot be turned off". I am new to concrete five and do not know the consequences of turning permissions feature on. I want to keep things simple and secure with the website and occasionally make simple editing changes. I am not a programmer.
atiqursumon replied on at Permalink Reply
Only for 30 days
benkaltra2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ya that is what I mentioned in the post; 30 days. I just purchased the template 6 days ago. I ended up changing each page individually but still would like direct support email or forum contact for other questions I may have.
benkaltra2 replied on at Permalink Reply
I went in to permissions like you suggested but did not change anything. I ended up changing each page one at a time which is fine and gave me what I want. Thank you.