How to create a registration process?


I am extremely new to editing websites, and am basically learning by trial and error. The organization that the site is affiliated with wishes to let people register on the site to create their own personal login (username and password) to view special pages of the site; like a "members area" section. How do I set this up? There will be a lot of people (50-100) who will register. I do not want them to be able to edit anything, just view. Thanks for the help.

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
In the dashboard you can find the "public registration" link. Turn this option on and visitors will be able to create an account on your site. Also if you turn on public profiles users will each have their own profile page. There is a bit of work setting up these profile pages and working with the permissions model to get everything working the way you would like but once you figure it out its a breeze!
abeh78 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your post! I cannot find the "public registration" link under dashboard, is it under a subgroup?
enlil replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Actually I believe its under system and settings all the way at the bottom left in the dashboard menu!
abeh78 replied on at Permalink Reply
Got it, thanks!