How to Edit the Navbar (add items, remove items, change links, etc.)
I am using version Concrete I have not edited pages for a long time and just went through about 6 updates to get to this point. I have completely forgotten how to add items and remove items on the navbar and link them. I am using theme "White Space." I think I have Super Fish for the navbar as near as I can tell by going through a lot of files. I can see to edit the top parent but when I click on the fourth one down, it goes out of edit mode and goes to the actual page. Can someone give me some help on this. I have literally spent about three hours going through php, css, and html files as a last resort. I should just be able to put the navbar in edit mode and add or delete items. Thanks for any help with this.
Auto-nav pulls in the set amount of links to your pages. Since it's been awhile for you, you should refresh your memory with this how-to:
Thanks again for your very valuable help adajad! I will read.
Thanks for your how-to article adajad. I read over and tried hard to absorb all of that information. The quickest final resort I finally found was to go to dashboard, and "full sitemap" and then found if I right-clicked on that, I could add pages or delete pages! YEAH That was simple if you know where to go. I thought I was going to have to delve into html, blocks, templates, and themes. I thought there should be a simple place that said, "add page" or "delete page."
As adajad mentioned, the autonav is just a collection of links to pages. If you delete the page, the autonav can't collect it's link upon refresh.
You should be able to delete a page from the page itself. Land on the page you want deleted and hover over the 'Edit' button and click the 'Delete Page' button and poof... it's gone.
To add a page under a 'parent' page, just land on the 'parent' page, hover over the Edit button and click the 'Add Sub-Page' button and voila, a new page is created right where you want it.
You should be able to delete a page from the page itself. Land on the page you want deleted and hover over the 'Edit' button and click the 'Delete Page' button and poof... it's gone.
To add a page under a 'parent' page, just land on the 'parent' page, hover over the Edit button and click the 'Add Sub-Page' button and voila, a new page is created right where you want it.
Oh thanks for this followup message. I wasn't aware of that and will check it out tomorrow. I did create a page and deleted one using the full sitemap, but thought it worked. When I went to the drop-down menu the new page was there and the old one was gone. Then I had to go out for a while but will check tomorrow.