How to edit the popup inside the content block

i have made a table inside a content block.
the table contains links to audiofiles inside the file manager.
the links open now in an ugly popup (see attached images).
is there a way to:
1. edit the popup to give it a better look, add a class or css, or
2. use one of the avalable popup blocks with links inside a table

would appreciate your solution ;^)


2 Attachments

jochemke replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Mieke,

I'm not sure that this is what your looking for but i've been working with jplayer in the past.

I don't really know if you can implement it in concrete 5 (i'm kinda new here) but it may be worth the try.

veel succes he ;)
mieke replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Jochemke,

thanks for the tip! In fact, there is an Add-on in the Marketplace that works with the player, i tried it out and it works wonderful. But only in divided Blocks i think.
My struggle lies in the combination of tekst in a table with links to an audiofile. The popup in the Contentblock is very ugly and i think it is possible to open a link in a kind of lightbox. My knowledge is just too short ;^)

en hé, dankjewel hè!
Ik bijt mij erin vast totdat het lukt.

jochemke replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Mieke,

maybe you can add a target=_blank in the html code itself of the link?
This may force the url to open a new window. I don't know if it would make much of a difference but it may be worth the try.