How to get page group owner/permission?

My problem is I have 2 types of registration page:
1. core registration page
2. registration page specific to a group

When a guest tries to access a newsletter and is not part of the newsletter group (which has permission to read the newsletter page) the guest is redirected to 'newsletter' registration (No. 2).

So here's my question:
How do you get the groups that are permitted to see a page?


PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
1. You sign in to the site as an admin.
2. Navigate to the page that you want to restrict.
3. Hover your mouse over EDIT in the menu bar.
4. A drop-down appears
5. Click on Permissions
6. Select the group that you want to be able view the page.

If you haven't set up groups;

1. Go to Dashboard
2. Under 'Members' heading choose 'Add Group'
3. You can assign members to that group.

Hope that helps.
BreakfastStudio replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi @PatrickCassidy thank you for that detailed how-to. But I think my problem is more on the coding side.

I wish to redirect a guest to a specific single_page which I have created. I have looked at the forbidden_page controller I think it closely answer my question. But I want to check if the page belongs to a certain group then the redirect to the customized single_page will occur.

foreach ( page.groupList as group ) {
if ( group == 'newsletter group' )

Is that possible?

Again thank you!
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok...Now I get what you are stuck with... unfortunately I'm no PHP coder, so I can't help... Someone else on the forum can surely help? Anyone? Any takers? ;)
frankdesign replied on at Permalink Reply

Can you not just check if the user is logged in and in a specific group?

A guest wouldn't have ANY account so that is when you would redirect them.

Something like:

$u = new User();
if (!$u->isLoggedIn()) {
    header('Location: index.php/registerfornewsletter');

in your header_required.php in the elements directory.