how to install the taskbar on a built site

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My son built a site for me, because I keep getting an "a is null" message on the site I built in concrete5. He does not have time to help me keep the site updated so I thought maybe I would re-install concrete 5 and start over and build again through concrete5 verses the site he built from scratch (on dreamweaver). Well when I deleted and re-installed his site was picked up (of course). Can I somehow get it to work so I can edit it in concrete 5? I can access it in my host control panel where my other concete5 installs reside, but it does not have a task bar. It is even listed in my projects. I don't know enough to edit the files in my host directory. Maybe someone can tell me which file(s) to look for and what to add. I read somewhere that on this forum that I need to add a line to the footer file?

I have two sites built and can't use either one.Trying different options to fix the problems with both and only getting more confused.

site is

cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply
Basically, you can't run two websites out of the same folder on your server. Because your son's dreamweaver built website is still in the root folder this is what is being served to your visitors. You'll have to move either the dreamweaver site or your concrete5 site to a different folder. (I would recommend moving the dreamweaver site, it's much easier to do and then you can use a redirect to point your URL to the new folder which will keep your website live while you build the new one out on Concrete5.) If you like your son's design then you will need to have it converted to a Concrete5 Theme.

Ryan Vars