How to make a parent page not cisible but still see the child pages

I have a client that would like in the auto nav for the site to have one of the parent pages just be something so that when you hover over it the child pages show up but the parent page itself does nothing. how would I do this?

Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Use href="#" if page has child. Jordanlev has a free autonav template where you can edit to edit what you want. You should be able to find link on c5 website.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I think this is what Responsive is referring to:

The 'Autonav' custom template has a flag that allows you to make a nav item un-clickable.

There is also this free add-on that lets you determine what happens when you click the nav link:
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

I have a tut for this on our blog.