how to place my logo

I've just started with C5 and already im stuck. All I want to do is replace the site name in the 'plain yougurt' template with our logo. It seems so simple, this must be the first thing users want to do but ive looked everywhere. The top block just does not seem to be editable ( or deletable) in the same way as other blocks? How can i make the block bigger and insert the logo?

lkcisneros replied on at Permalink Reply
You're right, that's the first place everyone seems to get stuck. After a lot of searching I found this answer. It worked like a charm.

Good Luck
andreyman3d2k replied on at Permalink Reply
The method here worked for me, and it only uses the UI, no need to open up directories and change code:

cainKuri replied on at Permalink Reply
It work for me doing this...

i edit header.php and i found the code :
<h1 id="logo"><!--
--><a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/"><?php 
$block = Block::getByName('My_Site_Name');  
if( $block && $block->bID ) $block->display();   
else echo SITE;

and then i put the code inside a "span" with the name nologo, ending as follow :

<span class="nologo">
<h1 id="logo"><!--
--><a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/"><?php 
$block = Block::getByName('My_Site_Name');  
if( $block && $block->bID ) $block->display();   
else echo SITE;

And then, in the file main.css down below of the #page #header section i add the following code
#page #header .nologo {display: none;}

As someone comment, this is good for crawlers, but it's not visible who have sense. But I'm wondering if someone can do the very same with just CSS or in the "custom CSS" theme options (without messing with the files of the templates, ftp, upload, etc. Like someone said also, this is the first things people want to do when customizing a theme. Should be an easier way.