How to put logo in this theme?

Sorry about the stupid question, but how to put logo in the header of [url=]this[/url] theme. Its name is black accent

calumk replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
well, you would use
<img src="imageurlgoeshere">

I think you had better do some basic html lessons, just google it.....
calumk replied on at Permalink Reply
if your asking, 'specifically' where it goes in the theme (i just re-read the question)
then there is probably a 'header' file... try looking for that.
da4kinov replied on at Permalink Reply
I do really need some basic lessons, thank you for the advice!
Phallanx replied on at Permalink Reply
Find the "'My_Site_Name" block in your "Global" scrapbook and insert your logo in there.
da4kinov replied on at Permalink Reply
I already tried but pointless, maybe if I re-install the theme?
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think Black Accents is designed to place a logo where you want ( as it is written ) but is an easy theme to modify. See for an example of a modification. If I recall correctly, we modified the header nav to create a header banner to hold the logo work. Then recreated the simple nav in a header content block and changed the sidebar nav to Superfish.
da4kinov replied on at Permalink Reply
Newbie like me is not so in. I don't know how to do that.
da4kinov replied on at Permalink Reply
I solved the problem and now I'm so happy!
laptopdragon replied on at Permalink Reply
how tedious was this resolution...seriously, thats got to be the most abstract design i've ever seen.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
It's tough to have a simple solution to these kinds of problems because C5 is made to be flexible enough to handle any kind of design you throw at it. So different themes are set up in different ways and because of that it's not always easy to tell people exactly what to do (the theme that the OP is referring to is not one of the pre-installed themes).