how to replace ''my site'' by a logo- plain yogurt

Hello all,

I know that this question had been asked 1000 times but still I couldn't get it. I am brand new in site creation and html language is like spanish to me.

I tried through the dashboard>stacks>site name but it didn't work because I am using plain yogurt as a theme I guess. (??)

I have seen that people are adversing to go in header.php, line 30. ok! But I can't understand what to remove/change... to have my own logo instead of 'my site'. I don't know what is related to what in those few lines.

I have already upload my logo in my file manager at concrete/themes/my_theme/image/logo.jpg.

Any advise to make it works?

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Read my post below and I think you can work it out. The post is regarding Dark Chocolate theme, but it applies on Plain Yogurt as well. In the post I suggest you create a global area which you can manage from stacks once you are done. Just make sure you also delete the opening and closing H1 tag in the source, and add your heading in the stack instead.

The code to edit can be found on line 31-37 in header.php.
mybabysfirsttshirt replied on at Permalink Reply
@ adajad:

if I understood I will be able to see the changes made through the stack named 'site name'. right?
does this add a stack (or block , I don't know how you call it...)
MysteriousCleon replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind... ;)