How to undelete Guestbook from Currently Installed Core Block Types in Dashboard


I clicked REMOVE to eliminate Guestbook from the currently installed core block add-ons in my dashboard. How do I add it back into the dashboard list?


Remo replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
There are several things you can do, all of them a bit hacky, I'm afraid.

1. Copy concrete/blocks/guestbook to blocks/guestbook and go back to "Add Functionality" and install the block again. This works fine but when you update to a newer version of concrete5 your guestbook block won't update to the latest version.

2. Use phpMyAdmin or whatever tool you use to work with MySQL and execute this query:
INSERT INTO `BlockTypes` (`btID`, `btHandle`, `btName`, `btDescription`, `btActiveWhenAdded`, `btCopyWhenPropagate`, `btIncludeAll`, `btIsInternal`, `btInterfaceWidth`, `btInterfaceHeight`, `pkgID`) VALUES (10, 'guestbook', 'Guestbook', 'Adds blog-style comments (a guestbook) to your page.', 1, 0, 1, 0, 300, 260, 0);
SCGerber replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. #1 works, if only temporarily. #2 is beyond my level of expertise!

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
#1 isn't a big deal, the worst thing that could happen is that you miss a fix in a future version and have to copy the block again..