how to write CSS if i havetotally no idea about code

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just as mentioned in the subject

SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
css isn't really code

.. think of it more like a cheat sheet for your html ... for example I want color:blue font:14 for all paragraph content in a special section called div blue. I can apply a special css paragraph propriety for div blue to be the default reference for all paragraph text in the content area blue.
is a good place to start you can also find allot of YouTube videos on the subject
cwpc replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks a lot. I will check that and let you know my learning result. I am really frustrated building a project using concrete5
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
cwpc replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks a lot John
chai714 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi cwpc,

The simple answer for you question is, you don't. That's like asking how do I speak French without knowing any words in that language?

Like Sheldon mentioned, CSS is what styles all elements in HTML. Things like the color of text, background graphics, and where stuff should go on a web page.

To learn about this topic, I would recommend taking a course. One course I would highly recommend is James Williamson's CSS Core Concepts at (

Once you have the concepts down, you can then begin styling your web pages using CSS. Hope this helps.