.htc file Simple question
I would like to put a .htc file in a site I am developing to accommodate rounded corners in IE.
I have downloaded the .htc file but I'm unsure where to put it. Is it like .htaccess in the root dir or does it go in the /themes dir.
Cheers Nige
I would like to put a .htc file in a site I am developing to accommodate rounded corners in IE.
I have downloaded the .htc file but I'm unsure where to put it. Is it like .htaccess in the root dir or does it go in the /themes dir.
Cheers Nige
You might also be interested in jQuery Curvy Corners ... it's a script I've used that's worked well in the past.
Cool thank you I'll throw it in the theme folder...
i use curvy corners
I'm going to look at jquery curvy corners if thats the case. Then do you also implement css3 border radius for the other browsers?
P.S. I see the script just sits in the head and then you place the .js loose in the themes folder or in the images folder or the root folder??
P.S. I see the script just sits in the head and then you place the .js loose in the themes folder or in the images folder or the root folder??
To give me rounded corners. I have recently used a htc file called pie.htc fromhttp://css3pie.com/
I works very nicely across old version of IE.
To make it work you need to upload the pie.htc file into your theme folder and then reference it in your style sheet.
Unlike referenceing an image you need to reference the file from the root of the site so include any folder you have the site in.
I works very nicely across old version of IE.
To make it work you need to upload the pie.htc file into your theme folder and then reference it in your style sheet.
.curved-box{ background-color:#ff0000; position:relative; -webkit-border-radius:0px 10px 10px 10px; -moz-border-radius:0px 10px 10px 10px; border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 10px; behavior: url(/sitefolder/themes/theme_name/behaviours/PIE.htc); }
Unlike referenceing an image you need to reference the file from the root of the site so include any folder you have the site in.
Do like Concrete5 does and just use the border-radius, older IE just displays a square corners.(IE9 supports round corners).
But if you are set on the backwards compat :) I like the Malsup version
or Cornerz,http://labs.parkerfox.co.uk/cornerz/...
Failing that you could always just add the extra divs in yourself.
But if you are set on the backwards compat :) I like the Malsup version
or Cornerz,http://labs.parkerfox.co.uk/cornerz/...
Failing that you could always just add the extra divs in yourself.
I would imagine that you would place this in your theme directory, and reference it relative to the CSS directory. I forgot how the pathing works for CSS files, but it should be the same as if you defined a background-image in CSS