HTML auto complete, can't add custom form

I'm not sure my subject is the most descriptive way I could describe my problem, but I was trying to be brief. My problem is as follows: I am trying to include a form which takes in user input, runs a javascript, and outputs the data on the same page. However, I need to spread this form out across several blocks for it to be formatted visually how I'd like. This requires me to insert the form open and close declarations in separate blocks. Within each block containing the open and close, C5 seems to be autocompleting the declarations, so I end up with two different form open/close tags, and my form doesn't work. Does anyone know of this issue and a way to get around it?

I'm not sure how helpful my code will be so I didn't include it, but will do so upon request.

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Rather using this on a page, try to create a single page. Then put the form open and close tag in that single page hard coded. And in between the start and end form tag, put few editable area and add your blocks through html block. I hope by that way you can overcome the problem.

stereocenter replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rony,

Your solution didn't seem to fix my problem. Could you (or anyone reading this thread) check out my code? The URL of the page is here:

The relevant code starts on line 211


stereocenter replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind, found the error (my syntax was bad). Rookie mistake. Thanks for the help!
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
So it solved your problem? If so, mark this as best answer, so others can get help.
stereocenter replied on at Permalink Reply
I marked your answer as the best answer, but to clarify, this is what I had to do:

create a page type (*.php) in text editor based off of a pre-defined page type and saved it in the directory containing our page types (/packages/bootstrap/elements/bootstrap/common). I found the blocks in which I wanted to include my form, and put the <form> and </form> tags around that block. The secondary problem was that my javascript declaration syntax was incorrect. This second problem is obviously solvable within the C5 page edit UI, but the only way around the auto-complete of the form tags was to manually edit and save a new page type in a text editor, outside of the C5 UI.