Hyperlinks not working

Hi all,

Tried searching the forums, but didn't find an answer.

Anyway, I'm using the Thumbview Template package to link to inside pages on my site. They display correctly, but the hyperlink to the site won't trigger when it's clicked. The mouse pointer changes, the CSS hover effects fire, but no joy on the link actually working on click. Also, the links themselves are correct.

I tried another block earlier that was similar to Thumbview Template, and the same thing happened: links didn't work.

Any insight on what could be going wrong?


Continuity13 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again all,

As it turns out, it's not the Thumbview Template package, but the Page List block itself. Links still aren't working, and I really don't know what the problem is.

In any case, here's the mark-up:

Help would certainly be appreciated ... thanks!