I can not edit area's
I made two global areas in my header.php file:
When I see them in editmode they are outlined with a black dotted line in stead of a red one. I can't click them to edit.
What can be wrong here?
I made two global areas in my header.php file:
<nav id="lang_nav"> <?php $language_menu = new GlobalArea('lang_nav'); $language_menu->display($c); ?> </nav> <nav id="header_nav"> <?php $header_menu = new GlobalArea('header_nav'); $header_menu->display($c); ?> </nav>
When I see them in editmode they are outlined with a black dotted line in stead of a red one. I can't click them to edit.
What can be wrong here?
I think that global areas are edited in stacks.
If you go to stacks you should see them.