IE 7 & concrete5

Today I browsed my new site ( using various browsers to see if everything is ok

With IE 7 the slideshows overlap and hide the first paragraphs of text for some stupid reason - Obviously this is IE7' s fault, but since I guess a lot use it, I was wandering if there is some hack to avoid it..

should I expect this to happen on all IE versions ??

Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks to me like both the slideshow and the text are in the body.
It might show good in Internet Explorer if you put the slideshow in the head/top area with the menu.
Marinosk replied on at Permalink Reply
NO, the slideshow is in the Header area and the text on the main in all pages..

It must be sth else, or maybe some IE7 bug ??

Not quite sure for I haven' t use IE since the win3.1 era.. ;-)
Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
ok, tried it in the body above the text then?
It might be an IE bug or something in the concrete coding causing it.