IE 9.0 bugtracker
When using IE 9.0 you cannot move blocks.
Bugtracker says
It occurred because the version of jquery.ui.js was old.
Please version up to jquery.ui.js 1.8.12.
jquery.ui.js 1.8.4 doesn't correspond to IE9.
Can anyone tell me how to do this "version up"
Tjhank You
Bugtracker says
It occurred because the version of jquery.ui.js was old.
Please version up to jquery.ui.js 1.8.12.
jquery.ui.js 1.8.4 doesn't correspond to IE9.
Can anyone tell me how to do this "version up"
Tjhank You
One way to work around the problem is to put IE9 into compatibility mode. The other would be to use the hotfix that jordanlev supplied in the other post.
C5 version 5.4.2 is coming out in August and I believe it is going (or has already in the dev version) to solve this issue.