iFrame Howto


Can someone please help me with the following problem. I am trying to display a property listing script on my concrete5 page using iFrame. I tried with the iFrames scripts from Marketplace and it does not work because the link are being displayed inside the iFrame and i need the links to open outside of iframe.

How can i do this?

Thanks in advance


erminos replied on at Permalink Reply
Has anyone had the same problem?

Can someone please help me with this.

Thanks in advance
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
in your script add this to all the links,


then all links will open in the page where the iframe is, i don't believe an iframe can "force" the links it contains to open,
erminos replied on at Permalink Reply
It does not work for some reason with iFrame.

The author of the script has advised me not to use iFrame. He said the best option would be to php include the script and that is what i did. Now the script works fine with minor bugs but i will manage to fix it all, i think ;-).

I hope that this will help someone who might have the same problem as i did.

Thanks anyway for your help Mnkras.
