iframe of C5 site

I'd like to ask this - odd maybe - question (and did not find the proper forum area):
I have through the years, some static, nicely designed sites, that i dont have the time to rebuild them all over to C5.
But if a client wants to add some "Latest News" or similar, how can i make it possible to build a hidden C5 site (that;s the easy part) and include the "News" page - or content of it in an iframe on my static site?
Do i need to include some extra html on the C5 news site like "<div> </div> and how?
That would be very helpful for me guys, but i am sure also, for many people out there, who already have many sites and their clients want to change them by themselves.
Thank you in advance

exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
There are probably a few options you could go with when trying to pull information from c5 and pushing it over to a new site.

Personally, I'd recommending building some kind of web services interface to pull that information across. Build a single page that takes in a cID, and spits back json to the requester. Then using ajax on your existing site to make a call to get this information and output it to the page.

You could also take a similar approach and build up a single page or a really simple page type which your client then uses in concrete5 that has all of the content that you want to display in your existing site, and just include it as an iframe (though personally I hate iframes with a passion).