Image Slider not working in live site

Hi guys,

I'm having some trouble with my image slider - on the live site, instead of the image slider working as it's meant to, I just have one image visible (not changing), with a duplicate directly below it.

I've cleared the cache, which has helped somewhat but not fixed the issue. Prior to clearing the cache, I had all images in the slider stacked one on top of each other, twice (so 6 images vertically rather than 3 rotating in 1 slider)

Any clues on how to fix this?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Which slider are you using?
Are there any javascript errors in your console?
Anna1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I was just using the basic C5 provided slider. No Java errors that I can tell (I'm new at this though so could be missing something). I just installed and tried changing to Simple Slider. All appeared well until I published changes, when all content from the page bar the title and language switcher disappeared and the edit bar vanished... so I don't have the ability to edit the page at all now.

All other pages work fine (I can access them from the other language) - but now my home page is just a big, white, empty shell.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

As @hutman suggested you most likely have a JavaScript error.

To open your browser's console and check if there are errors do this:
In Chrome or in Firefox, on your keyboard push ctrl + shift + I or push F12 then click on the "console" tab. Anything in red is an error.

If the page is also not working normally when simply viewing it maybe you could provide us with the address so we can check it ourselves, it might be easier.
Anna1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for all the help - all sorted now thankfully. Turns out there was an issue with the server from when we changed the domain name and it messed up CSS site-wide. Now that's fixed and voila! Everything works as it should.

Thanks for all your input!
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Great to hear! Thanks for letting us know.