Image Upload 0k - Not Working
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When trying to upload a new image file with the File Manager, it creates a 0k file and has a generic icon. I've checked the permissions on the file directory on the server and set it and all enclosed folders to 777, but no luck. There's no error or anything... just can't get the file to upload.

Still could use some help on this one. Anyone?
I keep reading about file permission setting but I'll be damned if I can find were to make such changes you folks might want to be a tad bit more explanatory in your replies we all don't have doctorates in concrete... seem many have the same problem with permission when setting this up on a non concrete friendly host provider. For all the problems I see people having with this someone should do a quick youtube on how to fix the problem there are zero settings I can find in the dash board or set up .. this is very frustrating and I'm about 30 minutes from deleting the whole thing and going with something else.
folder/file permissions are not something setup in the dashboard of concrete5, they are at the server If you are on a cPanel server you can use the file manager in cPanel to check and set the permissions.
To change file and/or folder permissions you need to log into your host and make the changes on the folders in question. You can pretty easily do that with a decent ftp client.
Login to your ftp account. Browse to the folder you need to change permissions on and right click. Depending on ftp client you use the actual naming for folder permissions might differ, but I think you can figure it out (should be something like 'Permissions', 'Folder permissions', 'Access' aso.).
EDIT: See, two different ways to do it in less than 10 minutes from asking. How is that for response time!? :)
Login to your ftp account. Browse to the folder you need to change permissions on and right click. Depending on ftp client you use the actual naming for folder permissions might differ, but I think you can figure it out (should be something like 'Permissions', 'Folder permissions', 'Access' aso.).
EDIT: See, two different ways to do it in less than 10 minutes from asking. How is that for response time!? :)
I had to dissect the file manager to understand what was going on. In the end I discovered that the file path, which is set in the admin panel (File Manager > Access > File Storage) was set incorrectly. The site had been moved to a different server and the path was wrong.
It would be good if Concrete could throw up some error message when an upload fails with the reason.
I had to dissect the file manager to understand what was going on. In the end I discovered that the file path, which is set in the admin panel (File Manager > Access > File Storage) was set incorrectly. The site had been moved to a different server and the path was wrong.
It would be good if Concrete could throw up some error message when an upload fails with the reason.
Thanks, I think this will resolve our issue,
Also think it would be good to get an error message when this occurs.
Also think it would be good to get an error message when this occurs.
Yeah, your php.ini or /files dir may be chmoded to 777, but to save yourself the heartache, don't forget to change the file manager storage path to the new /files directory location.