Images does not show when url has "/" at the end

Images in content is not working when the url has "/" at the end, but if I remove the "/" it shows the images.

Does anyone know how to get the images to work even when the "/" is at the end?

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
How are you adding images? Are you typing in URL's, or are you inserting them with the File Manager? Or using Image blocks?

Also, if you can access the config/site.php file on your server (that is, the "site.php" file inside the "config" folder), what are the settings for:
noflo replied on at Permalink Reply
I added images by typing url's, so now i tried to insert them via the filemanager and that works.

So now i can see that the problem was, that i needed to write the site-url before "files/....." in the url for the images.

Hope it makes sense. Thank you for making me try this other thing.