How do I set up my image as the background image? Also how do I place text over an image?

Did you build the template yourself, or did you use one of the templates in the marketplace? Also, could you give a little more detail on what you mean by putting text over your pictures?
I build my templates with pages software on the Mac. I used to put them into iWeb but that software is not going to be supported any longer. So I would like to know if I can save my templates as jpegs and use them as back grounds and have my text boxes to the front of them as you can do in pages, so that I can have an image with text across the image. I would like to have my images as links over a background I have created. Or vise versa with the text as a link over images.
Well, I have just figured it out through trial and error, but not much error. When I set up a two column block. with one column an image, and the other with content; I then dragged the content over the image. In edit mode the content covered the image but in preview and publish mode the content(text) overlays the image. Hurray! I'm new to this, so I pat my own back.